And Just Like That it’s My Senior Year

The last post I gave you some insight into my crazy life, intrigued to see more? Well welcome back! As I sit here after looking at my first class for this upcoming semester on springboard, I can’t help but think “holy hell this is finally happening.” I am finally going to be at the end of my college career after the spring semester and about a month after that I will be getting married. While all this is so exciting it’s also slightly terrifying. Not because I am not happy to finally be done with spending thousands for an education or to marry my best friend. It’s terrifying because I don’t want to shit the bed at being an adult and soon I will be someones wife than someones mother. Scary right? Always though, the fear in the back of my head is “Will my life always revolve around my stomach?” I say this because it’s a week before my 23rd birthday and I am holding back because I don’t want to go somewhere and I end up in a flare or ruin the fun for my fiance and the friends that do stuff with us. I don’t want to be worried about this everyday. There are days where I see some positivity in this stomach of mine but there are days where I am way too tired to see it.  So on-top of starting school and of course the stress that comes with that I also have to deal with keeping myself awake so I can also go to work and do my online school work. But don’t think that I won’t figure out how to do it, my momma raised me strong and damnit I will walk down that stage and accept my diploma and walk down that aisle and marry the love of my life. So if you ever have these crazy days like mine, or need a friend or someone to talk to please feel free to message me because we all need people holding us up when stress and worries weigh us down, and I would love to be in your corner. Until next week, have a good one guys and I appreciate you taking time to take a look into my jumbled brain!

ps. enjoy the pictures of this week and some of my cat (cause who doesn’t want to see her) This week I have been having some bad headaches and super tired all the time but still smiling!IMG_0822.jpgIMG_0821.jpg

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